Criollo Dark Chocolate 80% Domori 50 gr


Criollo is the cacao of the Mayas and Aztecs, whose cultivation has been gradually abandoned because of its low yield. It is a rare and delicate cacao, but Domori has chosen to recover and improve its qualities, which are incomparable: Because it does not contain tannins, the Criollo is characterized by a creaminess, roundness and sweetness that are unique in the world. To preserve the natural aromatic notes of the Criollo beans, the cocoa grown in Venezuela is processed daily in the Domori factory in Turin according to the shortest and purest recipe in the world: 1. cocoa mass (minimum 70%), 2. Criollo Blend 70% is perfect for those who want to discover the authentic character of cocoa without compromising. The excellent sweetness and smoothness will delight you from the first bite. Almond and toffee notes and countless aromatic nuances will accompany you throughout the tasting.

Tavoletta di cioccolato Criollo fondente 80% DOMORI 50 g - DOMORI SPA - Ingredienti: Pasta di cacao, zucchero di canna. SENZA GLUTINE - VALORI NUTRIZIONALI (MEDI PER 100 g): Valore Energetico 2395 kj / 577 kcal - Grassi 42 g di cui: acidi grassi saturi 16 g - Carboidrati 35 g di cui: zuccheri 20,5 g - Proteine 10,5 g - Sale 0 g - Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto lontano da fonti di luce Tracce:SOIA, LATTE E LATTICINI, FRUTTA IN GUSCIO