Organic Herbal Tea with Blueberry Sweet Herbs Brezzo 20 filters 30 gr

Sweet Herbs is a line of high-quality organic herbal teas: a total organic choice, where even the cotton in the filter thread comes from organic cultivation. Blueberry Herbal Tea, enriched, with Rosehip, Karkadè and Elderberry, is refreshing and thirst-quenching, perfect for sipping in a relaxing moment.
Brezzo has been a family business for more than three generations that has been producing single-flower honeys and high-quality food specialties in the Roero for more than fifty years, processed in its own workshops with great respect for the best raw materials, or selected from the products of companies inspired by the same values.
Confezione di tisana biologica al mirtillo Sweet Herbs 20 filtri 30 g - APICOLTURA BREZZO S.R.L. - Ingredienti: Rosa canina, Mirtillo bacche e foglie 20%, Karcadé, Sambuco bacche. - Conservare a temperatura ambiente in luogo fresco e asciutto