Smoked Scamorza Cheese Casa Madaio Ca. 350 gr

In the Alburni Mountains, in the Cilento National Park, the Casa Madaio dairy has been refining and producing exquisite cheeses in the sign of Campanian tradition for four generations. Smoked Scamorza is a spun-curd cow's milk cheese: after processing into the characteristic round shape, this dairy specialty is hung to dry in the smokehouse. The wheat straw, as it burns, gives it its characteristic, delicate smoky taste. Great savored on its own, scamorza is a versatile ingredient that enriches many recipes for baked pasta, risottos, pies, and stuffed vegetables.
Smoked Scamorza Cheese Casa Madaio Ca. 350 gr- CASA MADAIO SRL - INGREDIENTS: Italian cow's milk, water, rennet, salt. - NUTRIENTS (AVERAGE PER 100 g): Energy 1671 kj / 402 kcal - Fat 30 g of which: saturated fatty acids 20 g - Carbohydrates 0 g of which: sugar 0 g - Fibre 32 g - Salt 1.6 g - Store in the refrigerator between 0° C and +4° C.