Zucchini alla Pugliese with extra virgin olive oil Frantoio Galantino 320 gr

From the heart of Puglia come the exquisite preserves in extra virgin olive oil from Frantoio Galantino: prepared according to simple traditional recipes, without any additives, they are good and genuine. Sliced zucchini, blanched in water acidulated with vinegar, are set to ripen in e.v.o oil along with capers, mint, chili peppers and garlic. Excellent as an appetizer or side dish for meats and fish.
The Galantino oil mill is near Bisceglie, in the heart of Puglia, a land dedicated to the cultivation of olive trees. Its history began in 1926, when Vito Galantino bought a 19th century mill and converted it into an oil mill. In 1960, the family bought the estate LA Fenice, an expanse of olive trees of the Ogliarola and Coratina variety, which represents the heart of oil production. Frantoio Galantino cultivates the olive trees using modern techniques with total respect for the environment. Harvesting is done by hand, during the period of full ripeness, from 15 October to 31 December, to guarantee maximum polyphenol content and perfect flavour. The olives are then washed, crushed with stone grinders and cold centrifuged: the result is an extra virgin olive oil of exceptional quality, which has won prestigious awards since 1997. As numerous are the company's certifications, including DOP and Bio.
Vaso di zucchine alla pugliese in olio extra vergine di oliva Galantino 320 g - FRANTOIO GALANTINO SRL UNIPERSONALE - Ingredienti: Zucchine a rondelle parzialmnente reidratate 63%, olio extra vergine di oliva 28%, aceto di vino (contiene solfiti), sale, peperoncino piccante a rondelle, capperi in salamoia, menta, succo di limone, aglio, peperoncino secco. - VALORI NUTRIZIONALI (MEDI PER 100 g): Valore Energetico 1483 kj / 359 kcal - Grassi 29 g di cui: acidi grassi saturi 4,1 g - Carboidrati 11,4 g di cui: zuccheri 10,7 g - Proteine 8,3 g - Sale 0,8 g - Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto lontano da fonti di luce